What is the Ingenious Cardboard Regatta?

The inaugural Ingenious Cardboard Regatta is a maritime challenge designed to inspire the interest of young people in STEM.

Throughout the programme, engineers from the Belfast Maritime Consortium, along with W5's Learning and Engagement team, will promote marine engineering through interactive activities and conclude with a regatta race of cardboard boats powered by the student seafarers.

W5 Ingenious Cardboard Regatta Launch

The Launch of Ingenious Cardboard Regatta 2023

On 27 February 2023, students from Mercy College, Belfast travelled to Belfast Activity Centre for the launch of the Ingenious Cardboard Regatta.

The team of Year 10/11 students, along with their teacher, took to the River Lagan in canoes to learn all about boat design.

The aim of this launch was to inspire conversations surrounding their final boat design, strengthen the team's communication skills and learn the benefits of working together as a team.

Following this launch, the team will work together with their paired engineer - William Browne from Artemis Technologies - to construct a boat based on their findings that will race in the Ingenious Cardboard Regatta during the final event.

Ingenious Cardboard Regatta Logo