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Awaken your senses and step into a world of wonder with our Making Sense zone. Packed full of optical illusions, visual tricks and mind-boggling experiences, this zone will make you question everything.

Find out about the WhoWhatWhereWhenWhy of Making Sense and the fascinating facts that you can discover in this mind-bending zone.

5 Things You Can Learn in Making Sense

1. The Stroop Effect

Did you know that your brain reads words faster than it recognises colours? This delay in processing different types of stimuli is called the Stroop Effect. It is believed that relevant and irrelevant information are picked up at the same time and 'race' against each other to be the first to reach the brain. Try it for yourself - can you say the colour of the text, not the word itself?

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2. A Zoetrope Illusion

A zoetrope is a cylinder with vertical cuts on the sides and a band of sequenced pictures on the inside. Once spinning, you'll see the inside images move, like you're watching an animation. If the zoetrope spins quickly, your brain can't pick out the individual images and appear to combine together to create a single moving motion.

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3. The Science of The Vortex

Have you walked through the famous W5 Vortex? The Vortex doesn't move, so why does it feel like your body is spinning? Well, three different messages are travelling to your brain. The balance sensors in your ears and the nerves in your limbs say the floor is steady. But, your eyes believe the tunnel is moving! Your sense of sight is very powerful and over-rides the other messages.

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4. Hermann Grid Illusion

The Hermann Grid is a popular optical illusion that dates back to the 1800s. Do you see the white circles floating over the image? These white circles contrast with the black squares, overloading the retina in your eye and leaving darkness where the white circles should be.

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5. The Importance of UV Light

Ultraviolet (UV) Light is a very important aspect of everyday life in humans and nature. Did you know bees can see UV light? Flowers use this to attract their attention with patterns that are invisible to humans! See UV light for yourself in our Making Sense zone and uncover secret messages on our Invisible Images wall.

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The Who What Where When Why of Making Sense

Boy in the Vortex in the Making Sense zone

Who is the Making Sense zone for?

From young explorers to big kids, and everyone in-between, everyone can enjoy our Making Sense zone!

What exhibits can you explore at Making Sense?

Making Sense is home to many of our popular exhibits. Check out some of our highlights below:

The Vortex
Experience your own Space Odyssey moment in W5’s immersive vortex light tunnel.

The Illusion Box
Step inside our immersive 360-degree Illusion Box for a multi-sensory experience. Enjoy a series of projected moving images on mirrored walls, placing you at the heart of an epic infinite universe.

Optical Illusions
Discover some of the world’s most famous opticial illusions, including Ponzo Illusion, Necker Cube and more. Do your eyes deceive you? Only you can decide.

And lots more!

W5 - Illusion Box - Making Sense

Where can you find the Making Sense zone in W5?

Our Making Sense zone is located on the fourth floor.

When can you visit Making Sense?

Making Sense is a permanent exhibit at W5 and can be enjoyed when we are open. Take a look at our opening hours here.

Why should you explore our Making Sense Zone?

Put your senses to the test. Touch, listen, look and discover something new to challenge your mind. There is lots to uncover, new things to learn and hands-on exhibits that will inspire curious minds.

Check out our Making Sense zone in action

Feeling inspired?

With 8 fun-filled zones and over 250 hands-on exhibits, W5 is here to help inspire curious minds and answer a world of questions. What will you discover?

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