Our programmes follow three pathways:

1. Children and Young People
Making STEM and digital learning more meaningful and inspiring by applying knowledge and skills to complex real-world problems that require initiative and creativity.

2. Skills
Creating a digital ecosystem to enrich each learner’s educational and employment journey, meeting the expanding need for STEM and digital skills.

3. Lifelong Learning
Advancing STEM and digital thinking skills with a broad range of delivery mechanisms to ensure that programming is accessible and inclusive for all.

A range of innovative programmes are available at W5 LIFE. These will be available for the following groups:

  • Schools - including workshops, careers insight days, special events and competitions
  • Youth and Community Groups - including workshops, training and leadership initiatives
  • Public - Code Camps, lifelong learning opportunities and taster sessions
  • Continuing Professional Development - programmes for teachers, youth leaders and public engagement

MineCoders: Easter Camp

MineCoders is back at W5 LIFE this Easter, with Minecraft Education and coding camps for 9-14 year olds. Get inquisitive and explore Minecraft worlds, learn how to code your build and work collaboratively to create a world in Minecraft Education.

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Digital Navigators Programme

Thanks to recent funding from the Department for the Economy, W5 LIFE is partnering with East and Mid Antrim Council to offer a Digital Navigators programme exploring numeracy and digital skills for life. This free programme covers topics such as word processing, presentation software, and interpersonal skills.

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Skill Up with W5 LIFE and Belfast Met

W5 LIFE is excited to partner with Belfast MET to bring you a Digital Skills for Life and Work programme, offered through the Skill Up initiative. This free programme delivers accessible digital skills training, helping you gain valuable tools for both personal and professional growth.

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Neurodiverse Skill Up Programme

W5 LIFE is thrilled to partner with Belfast MET and SPARK, to offer a Digital Skills for Life and Work programme tailored for neurodiverse adults aged 18+. This free programme offers a unique learning experience, which will allow participants to be empowered by gaining practical digital skills and earning an OCN NI Level 2 award in Digital Skills for Life and Work.

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Bespoke OCN Qualification

In 2024, W5 LIFE became a newly registered OCN centre and is now able to deliver OCN-endorsed courses between levels 1-3 across a range of subjects to people of all ages and abilities. This bespoke programme is designed to support the education, training, and employability of individuals spanning multiple generations living in the Market area of South Belfast.

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Ready to book your visit to W5 LIFE? Get in touch with our team today!

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